How to Become a Christian Influencer

Here's an overview of what we unpack together in this episode: 

*Where's the Value in Being a Christian Influencer?* 

You don't need to have thousands of followers to share the light of Jesus with those around you. Acts of Evangelism start with just being yourself, having the right conversations and helping where other where you can. But let's say you want to become a Christian influencer, come have a listen to Aurella's story to hear some of her insights. 

*Sharing the Gospel Authentically:* 

We talk about ways to share the Gospel online as well as ways that you can share Jesus throughout your daily life. We aren't going to give you canned responses but instead encourage you to follow the bible's instructions on how to minister and witness to others. 

*Difference Between Online & In-Person Fellowship:* 

Both types of fellowship have unique benefits. Dive deep into the nuances of Online Fellowship vs. Church Fellowship and how both are needed and necessary in very different ways.

*Online & In-Person Evangelism:* 

Whether you're sharing Jesus online or face-to-face, the heart remains the same. Explore the evangelist's approach in both settings.

*Make Disciples NOT Converts:* 

Jesus called us to make disciples. Understand the difference and the depth of commitment required when sharing Jesus with others. There is a BIG difference between truly caring about a person's struggles in life. This heart-warming part of the conversation on how to share the gospel may open your eyes to some new ways to look at evangelism. 

*How to Let the Public Know You’re Christian:* 

Being an influencer means being public about your beliefs. Learn how to share this part of your identity without coming across as pushy, hypocritical or "holier-than-thou". 

*How Jesus Cared for Others:* 

Finally, we wrap up with pointing the example of how Jesus spread the good news and how each of us can look to his example to share the light of Jesus with the world.